Logo Final Draft

For my final draft I made some changes to my rough draft logo. The first thing I changed was I took away the stroke on the river bed to give it a more natural feel to it. The river with the stroke just made it seem too fake. The next thing I ended up changing was the fog at the base of the mountain. I used the polygon tool and made a 12 sided shape to stretch along the base of the mountain. Then I lowered the opacity to give it more of a fog look. The next thing I added was the other moose sipping from the stream. It felt sort of empty with just one moose so I copied the first one and mirrored it to make it look less alike. I also made it smaller to show off the different sizes of the moose. I also increased the overall size of the project to make it better quality. Overall I am super happy with the finished product and plan to use the skills I learned along the way in the future.
To make my design, I began by using the ellipses tool to make two circles . I then divided the circle in the middle in half to make two separate semi circles. The top half circle has a gradient effect to look like a nice sunset and the bottom half is a green gradient that I used. To make the sun I used the circle tool and used the arrange tool to move it behind the mountains. The little creek running through the grass was made with the rectangle tool. I drew a straight rectangle and used the flag effect to make it look more legit. For the mountains I found a picture on an open source website that was perfect. I used the pen tool to trace the mountains and added a gradient fill to make it look like rock. Using the feedback I received from others, I was able to create a beautiful logo.

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